For those you not familiar with Kevin Smiths work, this is another movie in a string of movies that address rather simple everyday issues with an almost brutal bluntness. In this movie, Smith takes a good look at the emotional and physical standpoints of lesbians. The storys basically about Holden (Ben Affleck) who falls in love with this lesbian chick Alyssa (Joey Adams). Though the main plots about the relationships of the very lesbian Alyssa, the movie basically addresses gay people - male and female along with other issues. Youre introduced to comic book creators and how they relate to the issues they write about. Being ordinary, everyday people just like everyone else, everyday life is where they get the subjects for their comics from. Holden and his best friend, Banky Edwards ( Jason Lee ), are the creators of a cult comic book BLUNTMAN AND CHRONIC and are celebrities in their own smug way. Its at this comic book convention that Holden meets Alyssa and gets immediately and visibly charmed by her. Soon theyre friends and Holdens more than attracted to her in a more-than-friends kinda way only to discover one night at a gay nightclub that shes gay (my, hes dumb !). You should really see the scene just after this realization dawns on him - the conversation between Alyssa and Bandy is something to remember. Its about how females keep complaining that men dont satisfy them sexually and how they can make things so much easier by guiding their partners in the right direction - very good point, Id say. Sorry if Im revealing the movie to you - its just too hard to resist. Ill reveal no more.
Anyway, the movie is great. It shows you how a great friendship can start to sour when a girl gets involved - which is something I absolutely agree with, believe me, I know ! The dialogues will keep you absolutely delighted. And whats more, you also get to meet Jay ( Jason Mewes ) and Silent Bob ( Kevin Smith himself), two characters in most Smith movies. Silent Bob, as the name suggests, never talks but in this movie he makes an exception and leaves Jay and Holden with something to think about once hes done talking.
Another character you meet in the movie is Hooper (Dwight Ewell ), whose inclusion also talks about racism. His analogy of Darth Vadar and a black is really interesting and a lot of fun - and makes a hell lot of sense.
Well, what can I say, all in all, a great movie. The name of the movie comes from....hell, just watch the movie , will ya. With all the lesbian talk involved, its got to be a very attractive movie to the average Indian male - we all know that now, dont we ? Indian women can learn a thing or two too - no offense.
A 2 hours very well spent indeed.