Sandybutt is absolutely right. Even though I am not as educated as he is, I do not think that anybody can succeed only if he goes to classes.
Some classes have really innovative methods and students do benefit. They have special notes which are prepared by experts and have all the important points in them, leaving out the useless material.
I have seen Chates notes. Thief!!! 50000 for notes reproduced ditto from textbooks and guides. Anybody can do that. Also, it is a known fact that they get the question papers leaked out.
Otherwise, how can guys get 99% marks. These guys coming from some village enjoy till SSC. For getting marks like these, they then get a house from the govt.
Does the govt monitor them after this? NO. The next year, the same guy fails. Whos to answer? Do houses come cheap?
Well, for Chates, they do!!. If u take 50000 and give excreta (u know what word I want to use) in return, wont u be able to buy houses a dime a dozen too?