Good place but there are things no one can control.
I came to this city after living good years in Delhi. I chose this city to be my home for next years. I stayed at good hotel and started to look for any suitable accommodation. My ordeal starts from here.
There are ads in news papers which would read like this well furnished room with this and that... . When you visit the place, you find only fan, cot and a cupboard. This is what is called well furnished here. No TV, if you want AC, charges extra. Land-lords have attitude like they are in loot party. Visiting like this, I settled for PG in nugnambakkam for 5500. It was twin sharing, cot, fan, ac and no tV. The owner has attitude lets loot. I fail to understand for what the guy charges too much just for four walls. Gave him notice after living one month. I heard two incidents when this owner man handled two tenants, their fault, they wanted the advance money back. He pays by cheque and cheque bounces. I remember talking to a lady, who was so much frustrated with this housing system, she requested immediate location change from her company.
Autowallas are the same loot party. If it is raining in the city, just double sometimes triple price. The moment they sense, you dont know local language, the Greed gear is changed.
These two class of people are bringing bad name to the city and making it impossible for any newcomer to survive here.
City has got limited hangouts. When I plan to go out, there are only three places; SpencerPlaza, Beach and Satyam.
Please dont try to compare satyam at chennai with Satyam at Delhi. You will be disappointed. Last week I watched Harry Potter at Satyam, Seats were wooden and no push back, it was not multiplex experience atall. It was like watching movie in some third grade cinema hall. There are other halls in the same place which are good.
I hear MayaJaal is good place here but it is bit far-away from central.
If you are from north, You can manage food here. Its not bad atall. You always get what you want.
And now most talked north-south biasness stuff. It is not here. Your colleagues never try to make you feel you are not welcome here. On the roads, markets, anywhere you go people are warm and care about you. You will always feel it. A complete stranger will talk to you and would try to know if you feel any trouble here. Everyone asks you many a times during day So How do you like chennai?
People are simple here and more down to earth. Its not like Delhi here where show-off is part of life. Ladies dress-up decently here.
Almost 90% people here can understand hindi and english and they can respond to you also. It is literate city.
If you are lucky to save your self from crooked Land-Lords and Auto-wallas, this place is good for career and health. It is peaceful life here.
According to a survey recently, there will be 35, 000 IT jobs in Chennai in 2006. Certainly part of this requirement will be filled by outsiders.
Save chennai from Crooked Land-lords and Auto-wallas. It is good place.