So what is Chennai?
Chennai is the latest version of Madras which itself was an offspring of Chennapattinam. It is a sprawling city on the Eastern shore of South India. It is the capital of Tamil Nadu and an important trade place in India.
So what really is Chennai?
Chennai, though a metropolis, is still old fashioned to some extent. The mentality of majority of the Chennaites is very orthodox. It probably is the USP of the city. It has a certain laid-back attitude which is missing in the other Metros of India. Chennai is probably the only Metro in India where Hindi does not get you anywhere but where Shah Rukh Khan has a huge fan following.
OK. So what actually is Chennai?
Chennai is Sambar and Rasam. Chennai is wide roads which are choked to the point of no solution by shared autos, rickshaws and polluting MTC buses. Chennai is Saravana Bhavan. Chennai is the city of temples. Chennai is bad auto-drivers. Chennai is East Coast Road.
Let me rephrase. What exactly is in Chennai?
A lot. There are a multitude of theme parks, Chettinad restaurants and famous educational institutes like IIT and NIFT. It has an impressive coast line. It has a lion’s share of problems as well.
So what are the Pluses and Minuses of Chennai?
Let me talk about the problems first. The auto rickshaw system in Chennai had collapsed irreversibly. There is no meter system. You have to pay what the driver demands. For three kilometers, they charge 40 rupees during day time. You have to be a very good negotiator to bring down the fare to acceptable levels. Even then, they will constantly crib till you reach your destination. Autos are a strict no-no unless it is an emergency. They are Mafia. Avoid them like plague. There is a decent metro rail system in place which runs parallel to the coast line. This is your best bet along with MTC road transport.
Traffic comes next in this list of problems. The traffic is totally unregulated, undisciplined and inexperienced. There is absolutely no traffic sense. And the educated lot has to be blamed. They are the most uncivilized people when it comes it traffic sense. Overtaking from the left is the rule of the day in Chennai and is the cause of many a fatal accident. Especially do not go anywhere near the Water Lorries. They are known to follow American traffic rules in India.
Of late the traffic police in Chennai have come up with an incredible idea to reduce the number of fatal accidents. They painted on the road the image of a skull with the tag line “304A” (Meaning fatal accident) wherever there was a fatal accident. Drivers invariably slowed down when they saw the painting. A great idea in my opinion.
The other problem area of Chennai is the total lack of urban development planning. Most of the flyovers constructed in the city actually add to the traffic chaos. They are mostly one-way and are instrumental in heavy clogging of the vehicles coming in the opposite direction. The city bus-stops are right on the road. So if an MTC smoky bus stops in the bus-stop, the traffic behind it has to patiently wait for the bus to start moving again. Make sure you have a gas mask if you are held up right behind a 19G going towards Broadway.
Whoa! I don’t think I want to ever visit Chennai…
Well, the city does have its share of positive aspects.
If you want to enjoy a quiet scenic drive, you should head towards Pondicherry on East Coast Road. Fabulous experience. However do not try to drive on this road after the sun sets. It is a single lane highway where trucks routinely overtake the cars plying at 100 kmph. Chances of survival in case there is an accident is zero.
If you are a movie buff, head to Satyam Multiplex or Mayajaal. These two multiplexes offer a diversified array of new movies and have excellent facilities.
Religious? Chennai has a lot to offer.
a. Kapaleeswara Swamy Temple in Mylapore
b. Marutheeswaran Koil in Thiruvanmiyur
c. Asta Lakshmi Koil in Besant Nagar
d. Thousand Lights Mosque on Mount Road
e. Santhome Church in Santhome.
- If you are looking for some good food at affordable rates, here are some secret locations for you.
a. Khana Khazaana in Besant Nagar Beach. Fabulous Aloo Parathas. This roadside shop has excellent food. You need to sit on the footpath and eat the chapathis or parathas. However no need to hesitate. People come in Mercedes C Class to eat here. The taste of the parathas you get here surpasses all expectations.
b. Tanjavur Vegetarian on East Coast Road near Neelangarai. The restaurant is a replica of a traditional Tanjore house. Great surroundings and great food.
c. Then you have the slightly more expensive but nevertheless good food joints like ECR Dhabha, Dhabha Express, Saravana Bhavan (Known for its Madras Meals) and Hot Foods.
- The Beaches: Chennai has an impressive array of beaches. You have the Marina, an excellent place to jog before sunrise. You have the Elliots beach, a great evening hang out place and you have the Thiruvalluvar Nagar beach if you want a calm and clean beach to dwell upon the nuances of philosophy at 11 in the night.
And the bottomline?
Chennai is the least polluted Metropolitan city of India. After a hectic day at work and in the traffic, a mere five minute trip to the beach recharges you completely and brings you back to your cheerful self. For this reason alone, I preferred to stay right next to the beach though the ground water is quite salty. However for Chennai-ites, buying drinking water is not an atrocious idea anyway.
Personally I love the city. I love my daily ride from home to office on East Coast Road. I love the Idly and Sambar that I get here. However I do miss the cosmopolitan culture prevalent in the other big cities of India like Bangalore and Hyderabad. (Bombay and Delhi is a league apart.)