When I first went to Chennai some six years back to join my job, I remember during a chat with a friend (who was a localite) he told me “Go to Hell!!”… and I was prompt in replying… “I am already in Chennai!!”
That was my impression of Chennai when I first went there. To start with, if you are not smart (which I definitely was not coming fresh from college and having spent 24 years of my life in the small state – Orissa), invariably you get cheated at the railway platform. To start with the coolies, followed by the railway staff who find almost everything with you objectionable and finally by the auto drivers who do not believe in meter system.
Then its followed by the HOT and HUMID (note the caps) weather, potholes on the roads and the worst experience – if it rains, which did in June 1999, when I first arrived. Waterlogging, stinking drains etc…
That was six years back. I shifted out of Chennai recently. From what I have written above, you must be expecting me to feel very happy? My answer is NO. I miss Chennai.
Chennai is a city of warmth. In spite of being a metro, it still clings on to the traditional Indian systems, values and traditions. There people don’t meet you as strangers or neighbours, they meet you as friends. All functions (i.e. south Indian functions) are celebrated with a lot of vigour. You feel like one among the crowd.
The myths about Chennai that don’t hold good:
1. North Indians are hated there.
Reality: There is no special ill treatment to North India in Chennai. In Mumbai, political leaders ask the non-Mumbaikars to leave Mumbai. In Bangalore, there is a clear distinction between Kannadigas and non Kannadigas. Chennai has been hyped up in this because it was the first place (decades back) that started non-hindi movements. But that’s past. A generation has missed out Hindi, but the new generation is open to outsiders. I never felt any difference in attitude of people there!!
2. Autowallas are bad.
Reality: Autowallas are bad… but they are not worse than other cities. In Bangalore, they make you tour the whole city to make the meter reading up and in Mumbai they have two sets of conversion tables for meter readings.
3. It never rains in Chennai
How ridiculous can people get. If it never rains, then how has the city survived for centuries? Truth is, it rains, but not during usual monsoon. It rains between October – December.
4. You don’t get to see Hindi movies
I heard about this a lot before going there and was feeling sad. But the truth is you get to see all new Hindi as well as English movies there. Unfortunately, the new city I have moved in (Bangalore) is planning to delay the release of non Kannada movies by 6 weeks.
5. There is nothing to see or do in your spare time.
Reality: This is another thing of the past. You have some beautiful beaches (not Marina) along the coast of Mahavali Puram. There are excellent movie halls (including multiplex), places to dine all cuisines (though there is no McDonalds), shopping malls, discos (YES… there ARE Discos) and bars. In addition, you get beautiful roads for long drive (anybody seen the Pondicherry strip) and loads of temples.
Few other positives on the city
Beautiful roads
Good traffic system
Enough Fly-overs
Low cost of living
Life is not too fast yet not too slow.
And finally on the flip side…
It IS hot and humid most of the year
You don’t get all brands of liquor :-(
Crowd is not cosmopolitan (like Mumbai or Bangalore)
Poor drainage
Finlly – the culture shock – especially for north Indians. There is no Holi. Diwali is celebrated early in the morning. In place of Dussera you have got Ayudha Puja etc.
So this is my assessment of Chennai… May be when you visit the place for a few days you won’t like it. But if you stay there then that’s a different story.
I am sure… I would love to settle down in Chennai at some stage in my life.