I am not sure how many of you will agree to this..
The lane traffic system at Anna Salai [bits and pieces] system is absolutly ridiculous. The two wheelers [Slow moving traffic] given the 1st lane..the cars..[fast moving] 2nd lane and the buses and trucks [very slow moving with uncertain stops] the third lane.. The problems is further highlighted when a two wheeler wants to over take a slower vehicle or a car that wants to overtake a 2 wheeler..
Now which side should they overtake? if at all they do find the space? Why not follow some good international practises and mark the lanes based on the speeds of the vehicles rather than the size..say 40kmph - 3 rd lane, 50Kmph - 2nd lane and use the first lane for overtaking alone.
I wonder if the media could be used to educate the masses rather than pollute their minds with the rather unncecessary TV serials.. The people of the country should learn for the better, All that one gets while he watches any TV serial / movie depicts traffic violation and how he gets away with the bribing. Young people think that is the way of life and start apeing the actors.
I wonder when sense is going to prevail on all of us and understand that cheating is NOT the way of life.
On the other hand, we have the MNCs setting shop in the country - would they too be cheated by us...or are they there to give us the slip..only time will tell..