Hi, Im Navaneeth, from madipakkam, Chennai. This incident happened on 25 April 09/Saturday 11:30pm. I went to chennai central railway station to pick up my cousins around 11:30pm. I was taking a U-turn near the Government hospital, while on the mid of U-turn the signal turned to Red and I stopped my car on the half the way. when all the vehicles passed and I ensured that no vehicle is coming ahead and I made my turn.
Suddenly a traffic police man came and stopped me. he saw everything and I told him since the vehicle was on half of the road I had made a turn. He said that I need to pay the fine, I tried to tell the fact but he didnt accepted that, and finally I agreed to pay the fine. he asked me to pay Rs: 1050/- for the fine of signal violation. I was surprised and I dont have that much money in the late night but he said either I need to pay the fine or leave the car there and collect it from the court.
I walked to nearest ATM and drawn Rs: 1500 and paid the fine of Rs.1050/-. he produced me the charge sheet and the receipt. after that I picked up my cousins and drove home. On sunday I was going thro the charge sheet and I was surprised to see the acts and their respective fine charges, for signal violation it charges only Rs.50. and for the rash driving and cell phone usage while driving it charges Rs:1000/-. Really I was depressed on seeing this cheating and I cant explain my feelings by words. These police men are the real cheaters, I hadnt met anyone in life like this before. Im driving in chennai for around 6 years and I had paid fine and violated rule hardly twice in these 6years.Really this incident hurts me so much...i dont know when these cheaters will change.