What do you look for in a portal? News, views, entertainment, finance, sports., right?
Well, virtually every website calling itself a portal does provide all of these. Then why do I rate chennaionline so high?
The answer is the quality of their writers - I dont mean the ones who dish out the news(any way nowadays most news is syndicated). I mean the columnists. The ones who write nice useful finance articles, the short stories, the religious articles, literary pieces. these are what make it COL my homepage. In this respect. I would compare COL with Ananda vikatan, the popular yet(still) classy Tamil weekly magazine. Just look at the content mix in the Tamil language home page: politics, literature, spirituality, society, interview(with a short film maker), coverage of a kids stories writer, .
My favorites in COL are, religious / literary articles by Harikrishna, the Tamil politicalvambu pieces, and the movie reviews.