Chess like love is infectious at any age..
I got infected with this bug at an age of 12. During my initial stages, I often used to get tangled in the web of 64 black and white squares. But as you start devoting time to it, mystery automatically starts unfolding...
I tried every possible thing to master this art within days, read numerous books, crammed openings of Kasparov and Vishy.. sicilian defense, Ruy Lopez, Queen Gambit..sigh, but nothing helps. A sincere piece of advice, never ever try to copy anyones moves or openings. Unless you understand fine nuance of it, itll rather leave you in a helpless situation.
Only way to learn this game is to practice, practice and practice with some learned person. Who can correct you at every step. I learnt a lot from my Father whos a great Chess Player.
Although, There are a few basic rules that you should keep in mind. Entire Game is divided in three phase
1. Starting Game :
Try to free as many pieces as possible, other wise theyll get buried there forever
Dont go for kill, instead make a strong defensive fort
Pls dont forget to castle
2. Middle Game :
This is the strategic part of the came, which requires great patience.
Keep looking for opportunities to pin and fork, i.e. attacking two pieces simultaneously.
Queen isnt the only piece you have, Try using your pawns as well.
Your pawn chain can be a strong defense , use it to support your pieces.
Try to grab empty row with your Rook and empty diagonal with bishop.
Two bishops are always better than a bishop and knight. - Best place to keep your rook is, either first row(to guard your King) or 7th row(to curb the movement of opponent king)
3. End Game :
Your check mate should come out of the blue. Always try to think beyond obvious.
Minm req for check mate is : 1 queen or 1 rook or 2 bishops. (trapping king with 2 bishops is bit tricky)
Always remember, knight can never jump to same coloured square in a move( i.e. white to white or black to black). Itll help you to escape opponents trap.
Clarifying some controversies :
while arranging pieces, White queen is placed in white square and Black queen in black square.
All Pawns CAN make two moves in their first move.
Every Pawn can be made QUEEN when reaching last square. (you can have more than 1 queen)
Castling can be done King side as well as queen side.
When King becomes alone, Check mate NEED NOT be given in 16 moves, you can take endless moves.
Repetition of 3 moves by both players is deemed as draw.
If a player isnt left with any moves , his King isnt currently under check and movement of King on any of the squares put him on Check ; It is called as STALEMATE. AND IT MEANS DRAW.
There is something called as en passant as well HAPPY PLAYING CHESS!!!!