When we planned to purchase a car , we went to many dealers.
Which car we didnt see :) .Almost test drived all the cars.
But the one whcih impressed us was the AVEo.
Class looks, class interiors and comfort.
Aveo comes with inbuild antenna
Aveo1.6 has got a attractive wooden finish and double din antenna .
We were confused b/w 1.6 and 1.4LS .
The difference lies in alloy wheels, manulayy adjust side mirrors, cosmetics changes , stereo .
But then suddenly our dealer called us one day and told that company has come up with happy 2 day scheme under which u will be given a discount of 20000/- + free accessories on 1.4LS.So finally our first car is parked in our home :-)
It feels great to own Aveo :)
I suggest it for the people who are really looking for a comfort in comfortable rates.
Even for the 1.6 they are giving 20 k discount for the the privileage customer.
So here we go .......zooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Feature difference in Aveo 1.4 and Aveo 1.6 :
1) Wooden finish
2) Electrically adjusted side mirrors
3) Double din stereo
4) Alloy wheels
5) Chrome hadles
6) Spoiler
7) Some more chrome stuff
8) Cost difference of 70 k :)