One of those usual week days in early 2008....struggling to keep awake in my office cab, just happen to see a white color Chevy U-VA entering inside SAP Labs, White field. Thats it. Decided to go with it. I made my decision then and there just for the looks. By the way this is my first car.
Went to TVS motors in Kasthurba Road and took a test drive along with the family. Wifey liked Spark and son liked Aveo. Some how tricked both of them and finalized U-VA, of course with their consent.
Back ground - I was frustrated with the limited options in B segment at that pint of time and almost dropped the idea of buying a car as none in B or C segment looked nice to me (Different people...different likes/dislikes) and I didnt have the budget to reach D segment.
The Good Ones:
I certainly got a sense of exclusiveness when ever I took my car out side as very few U-VAs could be seen on Bangalore roads (same even now:))
Superb comfort for back seat passengers - Pretty good leg room, elevated back seats. Easily accommodates 3 well built adults in the back seat.
Engine is super smooth.
No need to change gears often in City traffic. Can drive at 20-25 Kmph in 4th gear (of course without AC)
However on the flip side there are certain negatives as well -
It has a 1158 cc engine. If you look at the size and weight of the car, you certainly feel it is under powered. However, I never felt it as long as drive is with out AC. But, once you switch on the AC, you feel you are in a different car altogether. Pulling power is very less. One could see every one overtaking specially in ramps. Not a good feeling.
Gear shifting was a concern in the initial days. But of late its smooth. Not sure whether I got used to them or they have really become smooth.
Suspension - From the 2nd year onwards I experienced suspension issues. Replaced both the front shock absorbers, Linkers.
Others (cant classify under good or bad) -
Mileage - Always given more than 11+ but never beyond 13.5 (Both with or without AC in city traffic)
Service - Strictly average all around Bangalore. None of Chevys outlets have given me outstanding experience.
Spare Parts - There is a wait time of atleast 2-3 days even for regular parts like rear view mirrors, shock absorbers etc.,
Till the 2nd year I never observed any rattling noice. How ever, now I could hear some specially from the rear windows
Over all - Im pretty satisfied with my decision. Never given me any troubles either in any of my long drives or in city traffic. Engine behaves in the same way as it was some ~ 3 yrs back.
One disappoint aspect is the lack of success of this well built car in India. It still surprises me why GM never pushed it aggressively. It certainbly deserves a better market share than it currently has.