Hi All,
Here are the Specs of my UVA
Model : 2007
Color : Cashmere
Month of Purchase : Dec 2007
Model : 1.2 LT
City of Purchase/Use : Bangalore
Here Are my Thoughts
*Why did i buy this vehicle ?
*Basically, I had 3 choices
Swift : Personally I Like the Looks of the Swift, but I eliminated it as a choice because I needed a car which will be spacious (front and back) and swift gets a little cramped at the back. Powerful vehicle, and ok on mileage.
So now it was between the Getz and the UVA
I did a test drive with the Getz 1.1 and 1.3
Getz : In general. the interiors were very dull and the finishing (interiors) was not upto the mark. However, I liked the Reclining back seats. I never got to test a model with the driver arm rest (would not have made a difference to me, though). I liked the positioning of the gear stick (better than the UVA).
Getz 1.1 : Felt a little Sluggish, especially on the lower Gears. Cost was ok.
Getz 1.3 : Very Peppy engine. Responsive. Powerful engine would have meant lower mileage. Cost was higher. Considering that it comes with Steel rims and regular tubular tyres.
I totally agree with the Review done by BS Motoring, when they say this about UVA **"The secret is that the U-VA did consistently well in all the parameters without emerging too strong in any single one. " . Though, not everyone is happy with the review. After having driven about 2000 kms in under 2 months I think they hit the nail on the head. "Consistency" is the key here.
So, eventually I chose the UVA LT over getz (1.1 and 1.3) for the following reasons (though, I must admit, therse differences can be very subjective and vary from person to person - It was a very thin line b/w Getz 1.3 and UVA 1.2LT )
I think I got better value for money because I got more in th UVA that the Getz for almost the same price (this was after getting the 1 year insurance free in my UVA).
UVA LT had Alloy wheels and Tubeless tyres whereas Getz did not.
UVA LT had better Mileage (as per reviews on mouth shut)
UVA LT has decent pickup (a regular city driver taking the vehicle for ocassional long drives wud not have much to complain about )
between UVA LS and UVA LT
I thought a difference of 40k was well worth the price for e few addnl features I got with the UVA LT. Especially, the 14" Alloy wheels.
Because it does not make sense to have Tubeless tyres with steel rims (tubeless tyres are best used with alloy wheels).
and 14" wheels are any day better than 13" (i guess it will affect the mileage - but I was ok with it :) )
*Performance Thus Far - What i like and dislike about this vehicle
Like :
-** Stable vehicle
Decent performance (i’m getting a mileage of 11 pretty good for a vehicle that has run under 2000 kms and in BANGALORE- hope to see improvement after the first service )
Good A/C
Good space (front and back)
Decent space at the boot (basically, in order to make for some legroom at the back GM has eaten into the boot space)
Good driver seating (can be subjective though)
*I think this car grows on u and its really a question of getting used to a few things
* - Sometimes I feel that the gear stick shud have been place slight differently (closer to the seat)
The back seats are a little tall . Because of this sometime I am not able to see vehicles parked behind me (especially 2 wheelers)
My reverse gear gets stuck sometimes (may be specific to my vehicle - plan to take it to the dealer sometime later)
- I observed a slight play in the driver seat back rest (i’m sure many ppl would pass it of as something normal - dealer says they cannot do anything abt it :) )
So far these are the things I noticed. Will keep everyone posted as and when I figure out things