I has bought this car during 2011 May. After comparing with other cars with the same segment , I had a few worry about no music system remote, no usb port. I felt small things to worry about for a Rs11 Lakhs car. Within 2 month the service station closed down. given to the other service station with a waiting period of 15 days service pick up. even though no proper service provider or in charge.
During my travel to Coimbatore alone for a function. Could not see a pot hole measuring 1/2 -1 feet deep. My left front wheel punched, when removed, I could find alloy wheel broke. replaced the wheel and drove to Coimbatore and returned to Bangalore.
I had given for service to a service centre, asked for claim for the wheel. they refused, I went easy with their reply. After service I saw it was dirty interior, got wild and sent back for re service. During that time the service in charge said the rear wheel is too cracked. I got wild and asked for a claim. then they took the matter seriously and got me 1/2 claim. for that I need to mail the service center , GM and the Insurance co finally it happen after 20 days.
Now I had been to ooty with my family during. To avoid a two wheeler in the hair pin bend I had to go on a pot hole to a deep of 1 feet deep. Again the front alloy wheel is bent.
Its ridicules, is this vehicle need to go only on a plan roads or is this wheels are made substandard or we shouldnt drive on pot holes. why are the car company take seriously on the wheels to manufacture which suits indian road conditions. To give an example I have a car (Swift) which is done 1 lakh KMS, I have never ever faced this kind of problem in the worst conditions.
Company officials should take it too serious about this.