I got the car two months back almost 4000 km driven , car is amazing. Effortless overtake and very comfortable. Before taking this car I had test drive with both sokda and civic . Performance and stability in skoda is little better than magnum .but power and ride quality defiantly magnum comes first. Interior and refinement civik is ok .sokda u can go for fueal mileage. If u what over all performance best we can go for optra magnum without second thought. Mileage is ok .it comes 13.00 average .
I think it is ok for such a power full engine. Interior is better than 1.9 octavia .Engine is smooth . I can feel little discomfort while shifting from 2nd gear to 3rd gear u will feel little vibration .It is very subtitle level .I what to cheq it with my dealer .Powerful till now to this segment. some review says hundai embera will take over this, , , yea in luxury it will be in power and response of engine almost both stand equal.