I have found your reviews interesting and wanted to add my own, my wife has purchased a 2006 suzuki forenza (chevy optra) and has about 7000 miles on it already.
the fit and finish of the body is excellent
the steering is speed sensitive and is a joy to drive !
the interior is spacious for a small car, and I ( at 6 feet 2 inches tall ) can drive the car on long trips without feeling cramped.
the fuel economy is very good, we get 30+ mpg averaging 80 mph on trips, ours is a 2.0 liter with an automatic transmission.
although the car lacks power on acceleration, the car is very quiet, very smooth, and cruises almost effortlessly at 75 - 80 mph
the forenza came factory with a am/fm cassette/ CD player with a 8 speaker system and it sounds excellent !
- It has everything power ( windows, locks, cruise control, trunk latch, keyless remote, radio controls on steering wheel , A/C )
my wife loves the car and plans to purchase another when she is ready for her next new car.
these cars are manufactured in korea by GMs Daewoo division.