Chevrolet SparkA Burning Coffin
The most traumatic experience of my life for which I hold Chevrolet solely responsible happened with me on 17/11/11 at 8:00 am. My husband’s car (Chevrolet Spark) was parked at his office and as soon as he put the ignition ON for starting the car, It immediately caught fire. His colleagues standing nearby alarmed him and he somehow managed to get out of the car in time and saw the whole vehicle burn to ashes in a matter of few minutes. I shudder to think what could have been the consequences of this bizarre incident. It could have wiped out my whole family.
I am highly traumatized and disturbed with this unusual incidence. Chevrolet India is showing a highly unprofessional approach towards this matter and not even giving us the report of investigation done on our car.
Now after almost 3 months wait we have finally decided to take the matter In our own hands and share this horrible incident with public.
Why Chevrolet is not sharing the investigation report with us? GM engineers from Bangalore investigated my husband for two hours, the car is with Aakriti World Jalandhar (authorized service station, Chevrolet)
for the past three months and I even e-mailed the pictures to all the concerned departments at chevrolet and still you people are not handing over the reports to us.
The after sales people have misbehaved so much with me. TALKING IN ILL-MANNERED WAY, LYING AND EVEN THREATENING ME! Dealing with the after sales people turned out to be more painful than the incident itself. My husband was sitting inside that burning coffin and I thank God day and night for taking him out alive. He had burns in both hands which were not in working condition for at least a month. I am not going to let this issue slip away that easily.
My husband almost lost his life due to your defected car and your company has to face it, accept it and
do the needful.