I purchased this mini machine with big engine in October 09. But till day day of writing, I am a proud owner of Chevy Spark LS. The color Red is my daughters choice & the variant LS is my wifes.
But the entire unit is mine. I would like here to share the story of this car since its birth in my family.
We took occasional drive every week & long drives once in 6 months lot.
This time also, I drove my car from Bhopal in MP to Bilaspur in CG some 800 KMs. But the machine proved its mattel. No where in summer day with out ragging sun let me feel down with its AC quality giving me fuel average of 17KMPL.
Also, the power it carries is wonderful. Unmatched relaible engine.
But indeed I felt the loss of POWER STEERING quality moslty.
Also, I would like to mention here that the Dealer in CG has no good post sales service experience. They are far more behind tracing & diagnosing the problem car has.
On the otherhand Dealer at Bhopal with special thank to GM works, who has personally driven my car traced the long back exisitng tiny problem & solved out himself. WOW effect was felt by me then only.
ANd the faith & trust of CHEVROLET build more in me.
Yes I have some old exiting grievienace too, but I am sure if any of the company representative is reading this review would surely be concerned.