I do not own a Spark but still want to share few info with you.YDay I visited a GM dealer at Pune and saw the vechile closely first time. I was really happy with the huge discount by GM with a full page ad in daily TOI. And including that ad; there was an ad from dealers (@ Pune) with free insurance+RTO which was available earlier also !
Ill try to give you the actual discount amonut below to you all.And about the vechile, I think its not for me, coz Im approx 6ft tall and if you sit inside the vechile you will feel that ur inside a cage and the roof nearly touches the head !
Now about the discount, Ultimately the customers get ONLY 4K as discount! See below how for a particular model, say LT: Before discount (up to 11th Oct): The ex-show room price was: Rs 3, 93, 642/- + FREE Insurance + FREE RTO
After 50K+ discount (from 12th Oct): The ex-show room price is: Rs 3, 48, 160/- +
Rs 11, 411/- +
Rs 29, 371/- ==== Rs 3, 88, 942/-
So, how much we get as discount ?
3, 93, 642 - 3, 88, 942 = Rs 4, 700/- ONLY !!!
Note; The ex-show room price is for NON-METALLIC colors
When I asked the dealer (on Saturday) she told me if you
want free Ins+rto then you have to buy with previous ex-showroom prices else
for the discounted ex-show room price you have to pay the ins+rto
So, moral of the story is ITS GREAT CHEAT BY GM TO INDIANs
during POOJA Season.
Jo dikhta woh nehin hota !