I just bought my spark last week. I bought it from TRIDENT bangalore. They just opened the new showroom. Till now eveything is verygood. I am happy with milage it is somewhere around 15km in city.
It look very nice from front, but does not look so good from back..my personal perception. I do not like the tail lights of it.
Few things I observed about bying behaviour of indian people.
1) Everyone seems to rush for same thing. They buy which everyone is buying. They seems to loose to buy value. e.g. while buying I saw pople were paying 3.35 for alto which are just repackaged 800. while spark is 3.5 fully loaded and 1000cc car in league of Astar, zen etc.
2) People start thinking about resale even before buying new one. Many time this is not valid as people dont buy cars so often.
Let see how it goes till now everyting looks good to me.
as promised I am back with the experience: - More I am using it more I am becoming fan of this. Initially I was little apprehensive about the suspension. Later I discovered it has amazing suspension. Few things I liked are
1) Suspension of car is excellent, better than many cars. I would say it is amazing.
2) Mileage it is giving around 15-16 in city. more than 20 on highways.
3) Interior - excellent. I liked from day one.
4) Balance - excellent.
5) Driving experience - amazing
6) AC -is very powerful.
7) Engine is noise less - something I have restarted ;) while it was already on.
I personally feel, it is best car in its category .... So before you buy new car must check this car..