I had just bought a Petrol Spark and have gone around 500km with it. The car is very good.
The milege I am getting only 10/ 11 km being new and inside Mumbai.
The promise of 14 to 16 is yet to be seen.
The car is fine and the colour good.
I bought a simple standard version.
What is unpleasant was the promises.I was told no further price concession will be there but it was very much there within the next 20 days. I had said I dont mind waiting till new year.
The company offered further 10K down, a deck and a central locking. I feel cheated
Worst was I bought a FM transistor to be fixed the dealer gave back with out fixing when the car came after 4 days. I am quite surprised, is the car not machine made but hand fitted?
The car itself took 10 days to deliver for paper work. I am shocked at a leading US company acting worse than a Government company.
The painting below the front bumper the company has saved by not painting the final coat. Stingy of them.
The dealer had promised a mat it is yet to see the day of life even after one month of delivery of the car.
I am shocked at a Cheverolet car full of promises being handled crudely.
The car is good sometime I being used to better cars get a feeling of unstableness at higher speeds.
The colour Red has been highly appreciated by all those who saw it.
I went to Mahalaxmi temple with in a few days and somebody tried to steel the front number plate of all the things in the parking lot in race course. When I came back to pick it up it was found bent. Talking of the same I feel the number plate is flimsy and does not reflect a class.