I have been driving Spark for last 4 years & have done 40 K + Kms.. Excellent value for money & best package at this price point. Although I was using the car for 4 years, but learnt proper way to drive the car during last my visit to hometown -Kota.
I visited Triumph motors, Kota for check-up & got useful tips from the mechanic to increase fuel efficiency. Very useful for Spark owners, F.E of my Spark increased by 3 Kmpl to to 18 Kmpl in city driving @ Jaipur ! (25% A.C used in current weather, 80% single occupant driven)
Here are they....Dont need to press accelerator at all to drive the car !
Put in 1st gear, release clutch slowly, car will start rolling smoothly, no need to press accelerator at all !!!
Shift to 2nd soon after 1st, increase speed by shifting gears up, put 5th gear at 20+ speed
Car will roll smoothly @30 Kmpl in 5th gear, without accelerating...
In city driving @ avg. speed of 40-50 kmpl, increase speed further by pressing accelerator lightly, use accelerator in between, to maintain the speed.
The engine is pre-tuned for particular speeds in each gear...also very relaxing to drive without accelerator