At the onset, would like to thank "Mouthshut" for the fantabulous site.
I have a "Ford Ikon (1.6)" and a "Chevrolet Spark" - was having the "Ikon" and a "Maruti 800" till two months back. Thought would look for a change in the small car and centred down for an "Alto", given the reliability of "Maruti". Must say I maintain my vehicles immaculately.
Just then, a friend of mine suggested that I take a test drive of a "Chevy Spark" prior to my purchase....... and WOW !! I never thought as I got into the driving seat that a car so small could behave the way a "Spark" does. The comfort level is great (given the size of the car). Power derived as you rev the engine is mind bogling for the dainty look of the car (this look is a compliment) with its wild flamboyant colours. I didnt go any further. I bought the "Spark".
Today, I am a very happy "Chevy Spark" owner for the last two months and thank this friend every now and then. (He kicks himself every time I thank him as he compares the "Spark" with an "Alto" he had bought just a few weeks prior to my purchase). The "Spark" is a definite winner in its segment.
A sure buy for people having that "Spark" in life !!
Chiranjeev Baruah