Chevy tavera doing more good in the market which has a good interior and to that of exterior its driving feels so glad and its just a massive car which has its own driving and seating confort compare to all other car. I have seen many review over tavera on looks people say its not that much like innova or scorpio in looks so to all who are get saden by tavera listen tavera is a car which is made and formed for its confort and long capacity of people and its an high wy as well as a city driven car and coming to ur question looks what it maked u that its not so cool car?
Its cool and a simple car for all useage for every area. I have seen sum comments tavera should not be 7 lakhs it should be 5 lakhs I answer u on this also. What is a cost of innova its 10 lakhs and what is tavera minimum cost for the buyers 7 lakhs so people in India looks for a car to be simple and less cost and confort less repairs and less cost of spair parts so comparative all big cars tavera is having that quality not innova and not scorpio and why tavera is 7 lakhs because if u dont know abt the cars dnt write just blush comments have u ever seen taveras engine its an isuzu engine which has more power rather then any other car.
So I also heared abt fuel economy what mileage is innova gives 8 with a/c and 10 without a/c and tavera 15 without a/c 13 with a/c so go for tavera its just fabulose car in the automobile market .this is hussain if u have any doubt on buying a cars mail to my
Hussain(research of automobile techonolgy in India).