This cartoon show is very entertaining and funny. This show occurs in Pogo. It is a story about a very strong and intelligent boy named Chhota Bheem. He always protects his friends Chutki, Jaggu and Raju and never wants them to be in danger. Kalia always wants to compete with Chhota Bheem and wants to be like him but he always fails. Chhota Bheem lives in a village named Dholakpur. There is also a king in Dholakpur named Indrabharma and he also have a daughter named Indramati. Indrabharma is very pleased with Chhota Bheem. Chhota Bheems favorite food is laddu. Tutun moshi makes the best laddo in the village and chotta bheem loves it very much. Chhota Bheem becomes more stronger by eating Laddos so thats why Chutki always carries laddo with her for him. I always wait for this cartoon show in Pogo.