Chicken Run is an animated movie directed by Nik Park and Peter Lord. The film is all about a group of chickens that try and escape from their run. The reason I titled this review The Great Escape is because the scenes of where you see them trying to escape is taken from that film. Its funny to watch one of the chickens, Ginger, digging a hole under the fence with a spoon!
The farm is run by a Mr and Mrs Tweedy. Mrs Tweedy is more of the boss that what her husband is. Hes a weak man, giving in to his wife all the time, and does what hes told! Shes a horrible woman, and the only thing she cares about is herself and gaining money!
Once the chickens realise what she is going to do with them, their escape plans become more and more intense. She purchased a big machine where she can place a chicken one end, and it will come out as chicken pie the other end.
In the mean time of the chickens hatching up escape plans, Rocky appears on the scene. Rocky is the only American cockerel here, and he certainly is one cool guy! They all think he can fly, so they plea with him to teach them how to fly. He cant really, but he keeps them on believing he can, because he hasnt the heart to tell them otherwise!
There are lots of chickens in this film, but the main ones are Ginger, who is the strongest one at trying different methods of escaping. Fowler, who was a member of the RAF, and keeps thinking he is still in charge. Babs is a weak and feeble chicken who is always knitting. Bunty, and Mae. Mae is a Scottish chicken who is very clever and is good with mathematics and numbers. Hes a great guy!
If you havent seen the film, I wont give the ending away, but, as with all these types of films, it is a happy ending!! I really enjoyed watching this film, even if it is aimed at children! Would I watch it again? Definately so! Was it worth the money? Yes! Its a brilliant film for the whole family to watch and enjoy!
It runs for 81 minutes approximately. Okay, a lot does happen in this time, and the story is covered well. Its just a shame it didnt last longer!