I dont think any book has such an influence on me as this one. In Its instruction, it says that the book ill stir up every emotion in you and there is no doubt that this is true. I think the best thing in this book is the section about John Goddard, a kid who sits down and makes a " lifes list" or a "bucket list" as it was popularized by the movie.
And that kid did some absolutely amazing things! I was blown away, and still make copies of that story to share with teens when I teach them. It strongly influences my habit of setting goals and trying to keep track of the adventures that I do have.
In the book, one story will make you smile and warm your heart, another will make tears come to your eyes, others will make you laugh and others you will just feel you have to tell someone else about. Its a book I would highly recommend to anyone- it can read a little bit at a time or read the whole book in a few days. I dont think anyone could read this and not to be touched by it.