Some books enlighten you, some keep you in the dark, some make you happy and some make you cry, some hypothesize you and some just make you wonder. This book has all that you would look for and leaves you with mixed emotions. Then there are books that change you; books that you take with you for the rest of your life… these you must share with fellow seekers. These are the books that unconditionally inspire to become a better human (read woman!).
A Second Chicken Soup for the Womans Soul
This collection of stories is an amazing celebration of womanhood with stories of love, life and tragedy. This compilation covers all the bases of a womans life from poverty and love in the heart-wrenching story Christmas in the Silver Egg to the humorous Ill Never Understand my Wife (tell me who does? Men can never understand sensible people, can they?) which deals with marriage.
A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the soul
Each story is touching. Some are sad, some are happy, but they are all unforgettable. When they tout this series of Chicken Soup books as Stories To Open The Heart And Rekindle The Spirit they are not kidding. When I read the book, I couldn’t bookmark any one page because almost every single page is great, and can be related to my life or referred to others to help in their lives. It is a book on life’s perspectives... These two men hit the nail on the head every time with the books entries. I can read the book cover to cover, and find myself going back a day or two later, and re-reading one or more of the stories, as it relates to my life. I would recommend this book to everyone, young and old alike. It is truly a book, and a series, for everyone!!
A 4th Course of Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 More Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit
A fantastic, true book with hundreds of stories inside all about peoples real live experiences about love, kindness, parents and parenting, teaching and learning, death and dying, matter of perspective, overcoming obstacles, and elective wisdom. Happiness and sorrow is merely a speck of all the emotions felt throughout this amazing book. When reading this you are able to learn the different kinds of situations there are and the everyday people who go through them. This book is extraordinary and unique; how it slams real life into your face and shows exactly how unpredictable life can be.
Chicken Soup for the Couples Soul
Anyone who has a romantic bone in their body will find this book entertaining and sentimental. I find the book interesting, eloquent at times, and generally worthy of a warm, fuzzy glow.
Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul - Stories of Triumphing Over Lifes Obstacles
This book comprises of short stories, often rather verbose short stories rather than the short, meaningful passages in the earlier Chicken Soup books. I suppose that this might prove helpful to someone overwhelmed by insurmountable problems and in need of reading sappy boring story after sappy boring story but I was much more humbled and inspired by the earlier volumes.
Chicken Soup for the Singles Soul - 101 Stories of Love and Inspiration for the Single, Divorced and Widowed
If you are single and ready to mingle grab this one!!! There are different phases that single people go through. Sometimes you’re single and happy, sometimes you want to find your mate, and sometimes youre confused about being single yet again. All these topics (and more!) are covered in this book. The stories are written by the usual mix of unknown authors ... and the rich and famous.
Bottom line - if youre single, this is the one must-have Chicken Soup book to get you through the rough spots.