I had been to China in 2003 and spend 25 days there - travelling from Kunming (Yunnan) to Shanghai to Xian.
I dont want to write about how bad or good they are politically or economically. But the fact is that they have become Super Power which can balance Americans in the world - economically and politically.
I think, the Chinese people (at large) have obedience in their blood (genes) for generations of monarchy rulers. It is not very different even today. Maybe less than 10% of the population is actually Communist (or party members) and others are, simply following them or ruled by them. Unlike Indians, they have a very strong sense of nationalism (patriotism).
But, after 90s, they have started liberalising their economy with more emphasis to their own people to become industrialists / businessmen. The divide between rich and poor is very vast. At the same time, the poor are treated in a much better way than in India. They have free food (PDS, ration shops), free accommodation (housing) and free to choose any employment or agricultre. Their public transport system is much superior and even better than any of the developed nations!
The Western philosophies have started dominating the culture / life of people. There are evidences of lack of family values and too much of sex which is not very common to a traditional Asian country. Alcoholism and smoking (tobacco) is also another big social problem there.
Two days back, I heard that the Government is planning to promote Buddhism and other ancient religions of China to combat intolerence and anxienty from the society. It is a good sign. Christianity and Muslim religions are also existing in China in huge numbers and they are much more aggressive than the Buddhists.
Most of the Universities are now teaching English (with trainers from European countries and Australia). So, you will find many Christian names to Chinese people, but dont worry, it is just to make things easy for others. English education is to make their tourism industry better before the Olympics in 2008. Beijing Olympics is going to be the first ever Green Olympics with more emphasis on environment and sustainablilty.
Tourism industry is well organised and normally no cheatings are happening. The rail network and domestic (cheap) airlines are well connecting all the destinations. Only problem, I found was being a Vegetarian, finding food is very tough. I stayed in Youth Hostels - and UNLIKE India, they are world class. I spend 7 nights in trains, to move from one place to another.
The trains are much better and always runs on time. The most interesting thing was the TTE (Ticket Examiners) have to do multple jobs - Reception at the railway stations with official (beatiful) uniform, examine the ticket, refill hot water in the side flasks, clean the train and toilets, change the blankets, pillow covers, towels etc !!!!!!
Presently, it is very tough to travel without knowing atleast some Chinese words (or without Lonely Planet) or without having friends there. But, thats what make China an exotic travel destination.