In 1962, China took India by surprise when their its soldiers nonchalantly crossed the Himalayas, overran the Indian border and razed through the soil. That country still believes in surprise and scale. Only the battle is now being fought in the marketplace.
I am sure by now u all would have got a glimpse of the movie that follows, this review rather analysis of mine does not highlight Chinese culture, its beauty, outfits, customs etc ect (I AM SORRY BUT I WANTED ALL OF US TO BE AWARE) but to make us all aware of the Big Threat..The impending danger form one of our closest neighbours. (this issue is even more serious than the Wagon R issue I had talked of in my last review) Obviously guys I am not talking about Pakistan and as u can see this review is on the country with a great Wall.... And B$*#@
The Indian companies are already running helter-skelter knocking on the doors of various ministries (did I mention suitcases) to shore the Chinese goods flooding the Indian markets. Though Chinese goods hardly enjoy the brand preference in India but their price point strategy can more than cover for that snob value and give Indian industries night mares of their lives
The Industry scenario: Plus for the buyers
One such deluge can be seen in toys industry. Every single piece you pick up today from any of the toy shops ..i can bet my shirt on it that 9 on 10 times u will find a Chinese stamp on it. And u can’t help but buy those coz they are so good and so cheap.
Another such small scale industry is electronics (esp. color TV picture tubes, KONKA TV is already here) and gadgets.. the guys in India cannot seem to understand what hit them.
Recently an Indian watch making company was smart enough to sense its extinction and therefore shifted base to china. Now they are comfortably exporting watches to India at a much cheaper price!!!!! (Talk about globalization guys). There are hundreds of other such companies who have grabbed their extinction feelers and are rightly fleeing to hedge their risks.
Another one to bite dust is what we used to consider (though for a very short period of time) our domain.. yeah software developments. Till a couple of months back we could boast of being one of the major playing on our cost benefit proposition, but here also China is speeding before one could even realize.
Then there is Batteries (a Chinese alkaline battery comes as cheap as 7 Rs a pair as compared to our 40 Rs worth energizer), Cycles, Textiles, Cigarette lighters, silk, Sea food ..and the list goes on and on.
The Future: Road Map Ahead
Chinese goods are going to play havoc in the Indian market and we do not need any Mr smart suit like dewang mehta (wish I could do a review on his researches which are full of nothing but GAS) to paint it on national tabloids. We as aware citizens can see it happening right in front of our own eyes. And for those who cannot see I would strongly urge to take a look around and if u find my review contrary please do convince me.
Now should all these facts comfort us as consumers (please do not read it as kings).. May be in the short run, but I personally feel that this is just the beginning of a mass destruction that might be impending in the Indian Industry especially small scale sector where technological advancements have yet not even peeped in.
I also support the argument that Indian industries have been protected way to long so much so that they have become complacent (look at bajaj auto…I feel sorry for Indian consumers these guys did not even make a single product innovation till the time kinetics and Honda’s of the world came in).. that they have bred enough fruits under the aegis of our ministries that they have become inefficient . But But But it still does not give us a valid reason to demand their extinction. Companies like bajaj have made enough money to survive but it is other blooming industries, which might not be able to compete against Chinese lilliputs also.
If any one is of the view that China is a competitive nation and should be allowed equal grounds, that it is an efficient economy reaping benefits of some really wise policy decisions, that they have some really smart entrepreneurs who have a magic formula to produce goods which are priced way below the its cost price in countries like India, that it is a planned economy ……
Consider this:
There are already more than 80 cases of “dumping pending”- Initiated by India!
Most of their private companies do not play on profit margins as a business principle but survive or rather excel on subsidies provided by the govt to simply supply dirt cheap goods for exports (these buggers are just killing international markets)
They even export goods like picture tubes at half the LOCAL PRICES (Thanx to the free power and water supply provided by the government)
Chinese exports to India have grown five times over the last five years
The value of Chinas export of electronic components to India has shot up 15 times between 1993-94 and 1998-99. Basically that is to say that if u dismantle any electronic gadget you can expect to find made in china on at least a dozen components
The Chinese domestic markets in many consumer durables are approaching full saturation, with the CTVs and air conditioners at the Chinese homes having exceeded the number of households. But the capacities that the Chinese firms have set up are miles ahead of the future domestic demands. That explains their outward drive.
Since 1996-97, Indias exports to China have slid from Rs 615 crore to Rs 548 crore (last fiscal). By contrast, Indias imports from China in the same period have shown a sharp upswing: from Rs 757 crore to Rs 1, 293 crore. he threat from China is very real.
The Chinese govt is a threat to the world market place , they are resorting to unfair trade practices by simply subsidizing the profit margins of industries to boast their exports.
guys! I do not belong to any anti globalisation or swadeshi faction so please do not patronize me… but I am as patriotic as they can buggers are giving us lollies in order to swallow the cake … they want to paralyze the Indian small scale industry and make us dependent on their low priced foreign tagged wastes.
My appeal to all of you all reading this review to please come forward and suggest a way out before the crap hits the ceiling and it is too late. I am not asking to start a quit India movement but it is high time that we ponder over this huge threat hanging over our heads!
A typhoon or rather a dragon is poised to rip through the Indian market.