I wont divulge the story of the movie..but on a borader sense it is the story of a prostiture and her ordeals.....and my reaction to it is ......I will just term it CRAP!!!!ANd I think Ms Lajmi has found the worst out of Ms Sen. For any Sushmita Sen fan like me it is bound to be a SHOCK!!!!!When she delivers those 1000MW dialgoues there is no facial expression..it seems she is yelling....FOr me, only consolation was Mithun....he has been outstanding in this whole fiasco.I think when Ms Lajmi said that she has re-discovered Ms Sen, we need to rephrase it as Ms Lajmi has re-discovered the worst in Ms Sen.....the hero (i am sorry I dont know the guys name..neither am I interested in knowing ) just goes on reading letters for the villagers in the worst possible way...there is no emotion at all in the moive....there was no aroma of story telling neither was there any fun..nor was any plot....All in all, a strict NO..NO in seeing this movie in theatre......