PS: - Beware of Dr. Madan T D(Ortho) in CMH Hospital.
Injury:- When I was playing, the shin bone of my right leg gotdislocated, which fortunately went back to right place immediately.
I had pain & swelling, for which I decided to goto CMH Hospital. This Dr. Madan TD sounded good initially. Confirmed that there was no fracture after x-ray. After learning indirectly that, I have an insurance, the real drama started. Suspecting ligament tear, He asked me to get the MRI scan done, (Rs. 6750/-) though which was unnecessary(which I learned later). He asked me to get admitted to the hospital for a day, so as to claim insurance.
The Sapthagiri scan center at CMH hospital premises is a real "SCAM" center. Initially we were given only MRI scan sheets, but noReport alongwith.(which I learned later, that this is due to the connection between the "Great Doctor" and the "Scam Centre"). We got thedoctored report, saying that "Medial & Lateral meniscus tear".(Though which was not the case).
On the second day, at the hospital, Dr. Madan TD came and told me that I have to undergo arthroscopy. It was than, lot of thoughts came to my mind.
The diagnosis by Dr. Madan TD was improper & unclear. He told, various things, ligament tear, meniscus tear., etc. He had not even touched my leg.
As I was apprehensive for surgery, he actually forced me to get it done, & told me strongly that I couldnt claim the insurance amount(already 10K), unless I have got treatment(surgery).
At last. I googled, his name, and found the review of Dr. Madan TD at "mouthshut".
After all these developments, me & my family decided to say it quits. The discharge summary given by doctor, is such that its not possible for me to claim insurance, in-spite of genuine disease. But your health is not more worthy than the money.If he had drilled hole in my knee for the surgery, there was no guarantee that, he would not have come up with some other diagnosis after that.
Summary: - Dr. Madan TD is not a worthy doctor to be consulted.
After all this, I went to Dr. Shrinivas K, 17th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore. Let me say, The doctor is really experienced and he is a "gem". He literally worked on my leg, within no time figured out the problem.
The real diagnosis, was that, my knee cap has moved a bit.
If there is a dislocation one more time, than only surgery is required. Now I am wearing knee brace for 3 weeks, after which I will be taught few exercises.