My child studied in Chinmaya Vidyalaya Virugambakkam (CBSE) from 2005 and completed Xth. Teaching is mediocre. Extracurricular very poor. But above all, the preferential treatment has damaged my childs morale such that the child started hating the subject. The math teacher ensured that the child got exactly 39/50 in all the internal exams so that getting a straight 10 in GPA was difficult. The principal herself shows a lot of preferential treatment towards trustees children and openly flaunts that that is the norm in the school.
Unfortunately for my child, one of trustees child studied in the same class and all through the years had to undergo the torture of being ignored everytime the child made an effort to stand out from the rest of the class and in spite of hard work and sincerity constantly pushed aside by the teachers and principal. They ensured that the child never scored marks more than the trustees child.
I have seen many schools in Chennai that show preferential treatment, but this one outdoes the rest.