I have two children studing in this school at virugambakkam. let me cut straight to the issues.
I agree with the uniform muddle created by the school. its very distasteful idea, impractical too.
lunch timings should be increased to 45mins or an hour for children have to climb down 2 floors to refresh themselves which is taxaing on them. food should be relished and enjoyed not stuffed.
knowledge of english is very poor among students and teachers, high impetus to be given at least now. practical knowledge in language is a must for development of the same.
Extracurricular activities are a big zero. most of them are for the parents rather than children which should be discontinued. creativity is not given any encouragement here.Even for a fancy dress competition they dress up as historical figures and dialogues where as the essence of creativity is lost here. there is not much of dance, small skits. only selected few are exposed always. all kids are not given chances.
games and facilities for games are null and void here. the gounds used are in very poor condition.
timetable is a big joke. all subjects take place everyday thereby all books needs to be carried on all days besides unnecessary projects that are beyond the age of the children involved.