I created this account for this sole purpose. From my previous review(as seen on ChirecStudent), I have heard from my friends in school that they were threatened not to post anything on MouthShut.com! So, the school doesnt want the authentic reviews to come out.
More points to note:
- The playground is tiny! Cricket, Handball, Volleyball, Athletics are all mixed up! Till last year, they had blocked out half the ground to increase the size of a building(dont know if its complete yet).
2, The school lunch is pathetic, and as mentioned previously, the classes stink of Home Lunch food.
- During Unit Tests(pen paper tests they call it), the number of Activity periods are reduced to 0! You have only studies, and SUPW, and Computers(which are again taken away by science teachers)
I feel its also partly the Indian education systems fault. Still, DO NOT JOIN THIS SCHOOL