, I had been to Chirec school in Hyderabad a few days ago. Infact, we had started in the morning and went to about 4 schools. We had gone to Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan jubilee hills, DPS school nanakramguda, Oakridge nanakramguda and finally to Chirec near botanical gardens.
My first impression is that Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan is having a vast campus but do not have a professional in charge of the new admission enquiries section. DPS is even more pathetic. They would not let you in. They make you stand near the gate. More like you are begging them. Oakridge is by far the best in terms of a professional way of handling new admission enquiries. And they are very courteous. Last but not the least, Chirec deserves the to be the best amongst the worst.
Me, my wife and our 2 and 1/2 years old daughter went there for enquiring the admission process and also to have a first hand feel of the school. My god, I was really taken aback at the treatment and attitude of one of the lady staff over there. After meeting the admissions incharge, I enquired one of the ladies there if there is any canteen where we can have something to eat or drink as my daughter was feeling hungry. This lady asked us to purchase tokens from one particular building and go to another building where the canteen is. But while we were walking to this building for tokens, another lady (looks like a teacher and I vaguely remember that her name is sheela, stopped us and said, "you are not supposed to be going to that building" to which I told her that the other lady informed us that we can purchase the tokens and have snacks in the canteen. For anything I say she has a one liner, "you are not supposed to be here" . "you need to immediately go out". Most humiliating way to treat a guest and a prospective student and her parents. And it does not end there, when I started to go out, I saw her telling something to the sweepers there and all those sweepers instead of sweeping, were constantly looking at me and my familly to check if we were going out or not. This is not the way to treat people.
There is a total lack of respect and courtesy. If this is the teacher in this school, I hate to think what kind of courtesy and manners will be taught to my daughter and also as to how my daughter will be treated by them in the first place. The final nail in the coffin is that I replied to the mail written by the lady incharge of admissions Mrs.Ismail inviting us to attend the registration for admission regarding what had happened and asking for an apology from this erring staff. To my surprise there is no reply other than repeat mail asking to attend the admission registration process.
Is Chirec thinking that they are doing us a favour by accepting our kids into their schools? What is the meaning of this pathetic behaviour? I definitely am not admitting my daughter in this kind of school. Do check out for yourself.