Its is situated at the Aravali hills. It is 2 km away from the Chittorgarh city. It is quite accessible. Largest fort in india . It has a very huge reputationfor its good architecture and many peopke used to visit it after sometime . Chittorgarh is also known as the chittagong of rajasthan. Due to its hilly terrains , its has good flora and fauna. It was made since 9 thcentury around. But , chittorgarh fort is mostly famous for its Vijay Stambh . It looks good from outside. It can be seen anywhere from the chittorgarh main area. But it is simple, like a nine storey building. But yeah , as per my poimt of view , there are others places which are good to visit in this 7km long fort. Chittorgarh art gallery has phenomenal paintings .