Greetings Readers:
Being a person dealing in non life insurance for long years, my experience tells the following about this company: A General Insurance Company which till 2010 had one of the most easiest & flexible underwriting. If you get connected with a really good representative then you can simply relax, else you may face some problems. Customers may be satisfied with Cholas agents but agents are never happy with the dealings of the company whether with the customers or with them. Avoid doing things yourself, or you may require some efforts. It can be said as best for Travel & OK for Health Insurance as compared to many others. Recently it is on a very high updation mode in everything as only a few people know the Chola group as they dont have domestic products like cell phones etc. Like many others it has brought in online issuance of policies also
It is a very very old group which is the Murugappa Group having various sectors of business such as TI Cycles, Parrys (Coffee Bite or Paryware tiles), Corramandal cement and many more. More renowned in the South. After joining hands with DBS it went up to a lot, but cant say its current status. Policies generally reach quickly and is beautifully designed also. One of the few companies who provide a maximum possible policy wordings and guideline books etc along with the policy.
Before they hesitated to insure many types of cars but on the other side they never charged any penalty etc or deny coverage even if someones insurance is kept broken for more than 5yrs. Only company who has given a tough fight for health insurance was Reliance who became extremely aggressive in capturing the market but many are still afraid to go through them due to the past experience in cell phones etc and due to their now & then changing working structure. One should be careful in following Cholas website rates etc unless buying online. Chola is very conservative in many aspects & a very very slow runner but looks like the tortoise who may be the first to catch the ribbon. Today their motor segment has gone way behind which was awesome till mid of 2010. However, new and quite health schemes have come up
Till then,
Best wishes