Plan your purchase well in advance. Start your research with the automobile magazines or review sites. Preferably read the comparative reviews which highlight the differences between various makes and models in the sector you have identified. Secondly examine the financial health of the companies whos product you have short listed. You dont want to be stuck with a vehicle without service and spares support if the company closes down. Having narrowed down your choices go local. Although a company may be doing well nationwide if there is a poor market for it in your town you are going to have a problem selling the vehicle at when you want to upgrade. Additionally if there are no service and spares points in your area you would have a hard time maintaining the vehicle.
Locating the dealer
Once you have decided the model you want to go in for call the various dealerships and inquire about the prices. The contact information for the various dealers is available on the company websites, ads, and yellow pages. It is recommended that you deal with only authorised dealers or reputed multi franchise outlets. A lot of brokers will offer you lower prices but these vehicles are normally sold without paying local levies such as Octroi, Entry Tax, etc.
Although you might save in the short term in case you are caught it would cost you a lot in the long term.
Insist on comprehensive insurance rather than basic third party property damage insurance. Also insist that you are given the a copy of the Octroi NOC, B Form and Receipt and details of sales tax paid at the time of delivery.
If you are purchasing the car on finance you should be able to negotiate an extra discount. Obtain a receipt for all payments made.
Give the dealer sufficient time to allot the vehicle and instruct them that the vehicle should only be sent for registration after you have examined it. Please ensure that the vehicle is upto your standards before it is sent for registration as nothing can be done(without long procedures in consumer courts) to change a vehicle once it has been registered in your name.
Ensure that all accessories you have ordered have been fitted and that you have not been billed for anything you have not ordered. You should be given bills for the vehicles, insurance policy, registration fee receipts, owners manual, tool kit, service coupons and octroi and other local taxes papers.