The malaise starts as soon as the child commences with class IX. The parents rush to the various coaching classes to enroll the child in the best one- which incidentally does not enroll any student whose percent is below 90.So much for the class ensuring a high percentage in the board exam when anyway they enrolled only those students who were getting 90% to begin with!!
The bigger coaching class scam starts as soon as the class X results are declared whereby one has to enroll the student immediately for --oh no not class XI but class XII!! And believe me this is to be done when the student is not even very sure about his future line of study. Yet I do not blame the classes. After all it is a money making business for them.
It is the parents who are to blame for supporting this system. Not one of them pauses to talk to the child and ask whether he/she is even interested in pursuing higher studies with the help of these classes or give the colleges a chance to prove their mettle. Admissions to any line of further studies after class XII is based on an entrance exam-the result of which merits an admission and not the class XII result.
Hence what was the big idea in seeking admissions for coaching classes for class XII and burning the midnight oil in getting that coveted above 90% when that result is not considered for any further admission to any professional course be it medicine, engineering, BMS, BMM, catering etc. So much for pushing the students to fill the coaching classes and fill their coffers!! This parallel system for educating our children is corrupting it as viciously as the virus of our computers. There are anti virus programmes for that-can we not have an anti -coaching class programme?