Computer Training Institutes cater to a very wide diaspora of people, ranging from newcomers & amateurs to working professionals & corporates. The last decade or so has seen the booming of the computer industry & with it, the mushrooming of these institutes. How then, does one carry out the task of choosing an institute suited to individual needs? This article will highlight some important points, one needs to emphasize on, when embarking upon this journey...
1. Deciding what course to go for: What course one opts for, may be dictated by personal wish and/or professional needs. If you are a newcomer wishing to dabble in computers and have not decided on a particular course, the best path to follow would be to a qualified counselors table. Your ambition, level of study, prior computer knowledge, your ability to comprehend and visualize, etc., are some of the points, which will help your counselor to guide you towards your goal.
2. Checking out the Institutes: Once you have decided what course to pursue, the next task is of choosing an institute. This isnt easy considering the fact that almost all institutes offer courses in programming, graphics & multimedia, operating systems and the likes. Hence, to make an informed choice, one obviously has to check out more than one institute. Checking out at least five institutes is strongly recommended. It is better to visit these centers in person, rather than through a friend or on the web, as will be clear from the below mentioned points.
3. The Curriculum: The most important factor to help you select a training center is the curriculum. Go through the brochures minutely, comparing the topics that each center offers. Make sure you learn the latest versions of the software on offer. If in doubt, ask about the depth in which a particular topic is taught.
4. The Time Factor: Timing of the course is often the dictating factor for most working people. Most institutes offer sufficient flexibility by offering multiple batches for the same course, namely full-time (fast track), part-time, weekend, early morning or late evening batches. Also important, is the total number of hours the course will take, that is the number of hours/day multiplied by the number of days. This will help you calculate the value-for-money (VFM) factor as described later in this article.
5. The Money Factor: Check out all institutes that suit your pocket. Always remember that the costliest institute need not be the best one. However, the best institute may be on the costlier side. Now, calculate the VFM factor by dividing the total cost fees by the total number of learning hours. This gives you the cost/hour of teaching. The cost must include all the miscellaneous charges of the center like registration, library fees, placement fees, etc.
6. How are the Facilities? : Make sure the institute you join is equipped with the latest computers and peripherals and allows individual operation. The faculty must be top-class and the study material well-researched. The center must also have sufficient lighting and ventilation conducive to learning.
7. Placements. Are they for real? : If you are unemployed or looking for a job switch, you need to have a look at placement cells of the institutes you visit. Ask if the institute simply provides assistance or guarantees a job. Also ask if the assistance is free or comes for a fee. This will prevent hassles after the completion of the course.
So, once you decided upon your course, and visited a few training centers, you need to decide upon the institute. If you have collected information from a variety of institutes, the best way to narrow down the number is to tabulate & grade each center on each of the above-mentioned points for comparison. If you have narrowed down the choice to two & cant decide between them, you may inquire at each of these institutes if they would offer a cash discount or extra computer time if possible. This will enable you the get the full worth of your hard-earned money.
Happy Learning!!!