Edit on 2 Oct 2018: I am happy on my Dishwasher after 2.5 years. I never regretted on this decision. I shall update on this regularly.
Well, think of this first- Do U real need a dishwasher(DW)?
Coz its costly affair.plus Indian market is yet immature for such appliances, especially repairs cost a U a lot.
Better situations are when:
Your maid is useless or U do not get good maids in your area
Your family size is good enough to fill the load
You anyway want to go ahead with DW for any genuine reason
DW costs around 30-35K+ power consumption+ its additives+ repairs if needed
While choosing brand- go for the one which is sold most, or which provides you more warranty
The most sold criteria assumed for availability of parts and warranty is kind of assurance of service. Usually company gives warranty for period, for which they are sure for. So If they provide 4 yrs warranty, you should run it for 5-6 years easily.
I was inclined to BOSCH, but when came to know its been manufactured where other brands are done. Thought it does not make difference to quality.
The internal features does not make much difference.as working of all brands almost same.
Check program selection, check for more flexibility in programs. New models come worth fix programs, that has less chances to alter duration, temperature etc.
I went for IFB neptune VX, almost an year back, as this company had more models to choose from. had contacted BOSCH multiple times, but their sales team didnt follow up(surprising).
Try to get demo wherever possible. recently saw IFB has demo model at shops with transparent cover. Check the real working.
Read and research how to use DW best. Many US, UK, Australian websites give U better tips.
Once purchased, do experiment and make your own comfortable style of loading utensils and also for choosing programs.
After an year, I have now settled for specific loading pattern and also a program Super 50 which washes utensils in 65 degree temp and in 50 minutes.
VIMP: Use DW with maximum care and cautions; to avoid any repairs. Sell it off before 10 years(as after 10 years, getting parts become difficult).