I happened to buy an IFB Dishwasher - Neptune during the month of January 2010., Which is under warranty for 2 years. Thanks to my stars it was working properly till Oct.2010. It started giving some odd sounds and I felt a servicing might help. I contacted the service centre, no body picks up phone there, I tried full 3 days with same result. Called the Dealer again who gave me a toll free number, where I was lucky as the phone was picked up and a complaint was registered. The gentleman promised me that my work will be done within next 24 hours, which made me very happy.
My happiness started drying up with every passing 24 hours. 4th day one service person came and just took out the filter, showed it under the water pipe and put it back. In less than 2 minutes he said the servicing is over.
Then I showed him the top of the machine where there was a small line, a crack was developing. He very cool ly told me, its a minor problem. I said ok its minor now, may be after your warranty is over it might be a major expensive problem. so please change that top. Promising to come back next day he disappeared. My days with phone calls, follow up to the level of Area In charge Continued for next 10 days and then came a fellow looking like a mechanic in the nearby scooter shop and wanted Rupees 1700 for that top, which by this time has become an item not included in the warranty. Does anyone know any remedy for such cheating? Kindly advise.