I happened to show this doctor as fate would call it. Dr Subhash Chandra Haldar of Srijoni Nursing Home is a highly incompetent doctor and is really careless when it comes to medicine part of treatment. He is very forgetful as well who doesnt remember what needs to be done when.
I suffered from HELLP syndrome which he should have been able to diagnose immediately given the fact that I was quite elaborate with properly defining my problem to him but neither he could understand and nor could the fleet of doctors he asked to visit by to understand the issue when I was admitted in his hospital run by him Srijoni. Beware to get admitted in this hospital.
The nurses are hired from some 3rd grade nursing institute who are better off as ayas. Food is pathetic and there is no acre for a patient in terms of nutrition. They would charge irrelevant charges for even the stupidest doctors to visit you. This doctor almost killed me only to recommend shifting to a bigger hospital when my family members started charging him for ruining my case. If you have a case please do not visit him, only normal delivery cases to be shown to him.