I am writing this review comment as I wanted to ensure that the experience that myself and my family had undergone does not get repeated to somebody else.
The below is a description of events that happened to my family. I wish that the licenses of these two doctors are cancelled, so that no more patients and their family undergo the problems that we did.
Hospital: Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, India
Doctor: Hemant J Mehta(Nephrologist)
Doctor: Prashant Rajput(AKD Department)
Hemant Mehta is a famous nephrologist in Mumbai; he visits multiple hospitals and also runs his own practice. It seems that the more money he earns, the greedier he gets. The first small thing that happened was when he forced us to buy Erythropoietin injections only from a particular agent. These injections are costly injections used to increase haemoglobin level in Kidney patients. A result of taking these injections from Hemant Mehtas agent was a reduction in haemoglobin level in monthly blood reports as compared to that when taken from a proper pharmacy shop.
Hemant Mehta also operated my mother for Peritoneal Dialysis, an operation done to fit a catheter in patient’s stomach. He operated such that the stomach started bleeding in one week’s time. My mother was admitted in ICU and there were X-Rays taken to diagnose the problem. My mother had to get operated again. When we tried to find out the reason of this issue from internal sources, it was told to us that the operation was done negligently and the catheter was not fixed properly in my mother’s stomach. When we tried to get the old X-Rays from the X-Ray department, we were told that the X-rays have been misplaced.
After few years, my mother was called for kidney transplant by the hospital. It was Prashant Rajput, who advised us to go for transplant saying that the success rate of kidney transplant is 99%. One night we got a call, saying that a kidney was available from a 28-29 year old boy who died from an accident. The kidney transplant was not successful and my mother was again admitted in ICU. After 1 or 2 days, when we tried to enquire the reason of failure of transplant, a junior doctor told us that the kidney that was transplanted was infected and proper matching of kidney was not carried out. Later when we enquired with Prashant Rajput, he instead told us that my mother already had an infection(Malaria and Pneumonia), which was a white lie as my mother was very well before the operation. Because of all this, my mother died a painful death and we could just watch and cry.
I have no faith in Indian Law system and our media. The law system works on cases for decades and the media loves to cover a celebrity bruise for hours as breaking news, but however turns a blind eye on what common people have to undergo in the hands of so called famous hospital or so called famous doctors. Please be careful with these doctors as once you make a mistake it cant be corrected ever.