Choosing a good doctor is very important as now a days everyone seems to be having their baby by c-section, as the doctors in indian metros are up to it. Have they lost their skills required for normal birth or they are just there to make money by any means?
I just wish they have some kindness or atleast show some respect for their patients, I hope they listen to their patient and try to understand and respect their wishes, and do not impose c-section unless it is really required.
The sad thing they do is when the lady is in very early labour they dont wait to see how the labour progress naturally but just intervene and give her Pitocin injection to cause her intense artificial pain and if she cant bear that they offer her c-section option and the poor women accepts!
Instead why dont they give her low dose Pethidine injection which will take the edge of her pain and relax her a bit which will make her labour somewhat easy and fast, and finally she will be able to give birth naturally.
Unfortunately it happened with my sister, she was in labour for 12 hrs and finally when she was exhausted with artificial pains she asked the nurse to stop the drip for a while and the nurse rudely said that if she wants a baby normally she has to bear it or else ask the doctor for c-section and as she was in intense pain she opted for c-section. When the baby was out his head was conical that means he had almost reached there and still delivery was done by c-section! And that was very SAD, after the operation she got infection in the wound and feeding the baby was very difficult.
I think we should write our good and bad reviews about the doctors and nursing homes/hospitals which will really help the families to choose the right one, and will make the doctors and the management understand that if they continue such malpractice this may damage their reputation, what do you think?