Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not a regulated profession in India, hence there are a number of people with dubious qualifications doing hypnotherapy.
Trained in travelling hypnosis schools with exotic names such as Arizona, California International who give out certificates in a few days. These people can do a lot of harm.
The sad thing is that many of them do other things crystal therapy, contact spirit guides, go into past lives and many other strange things to extract money from unsuspecting people.
Unfortunately in India there are institutions providing an Msc in Psychotherapy or Counselling for a few thousand rupees.A Phd costs Rs 25000(of course the degrees are not legally valid) but everything goes.
I often ask my freinds would you allow a mechanic with ten days training repair your car? Yet many of them let these people with a few days training play with their mind.
Be careful and only go to a medical practitioner or mental health practitioner who is well trained in hypnosis. Ask difficult questions before you trust your mind to hypnotist or hypnotherapist in India(Especially in Mumbai and New Delhi)