What is Linux? Linux is an Operating System which is developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 in the garage of his house. What is Linux Basically? Linux is an Operating System which is totally based on MINIX mechanism. Linux is Open Source Operating System. that means when you get this Operating System you also get Source Code of that Operating System. Linus Torvalds has developed this entier Operating System in 1991 and kept this OS as Open Source. So that any one can modify OS and sell it or distribute it for free. But Linux name has to be there. Linuxs first version was about 1.2 MB and lots of companies get that OS and developed it. and now there is wide range in this OS popular companies are Red Hat, Mendarake, Debian, SuSe and Turbo. Linus Torvalds is well known as Hacker. If you want to know more about Linus Torvalds visit to this site: and If you want recent pic of Linus Torvalds visit to this site:
Actually, I hate Linux but here is its prons which makes me love Linux. some times. So here are the pros. *
1) Free: ** Linux is totally free. you can get Linux from lots of sites. If you want Red Hat Linux you can download it from site. Linux is open source so when companies get the original copy they have accept agreement to distribute this OS as free. But If some one wants Linux in CD than that person has to buy some CD and CD writing costing, Shipping Charges and nominal fees. Mostly people refuse to Download Linux from the sites. becoz it comes in 2 CDs. so total of 1.2 or more GB of space. and no one prefer it to download it. so people buy it only.
Totally Open Source:
I like this thing about Linux most. Linux is so much Open Source that the Linux comes with the its own Source Code and also the softwares which comes bundled with it. you can also find source codes of them. There is very famous software called GIMP for graphics designing and when you install this software you also get source code of that. GIMP is similar to Adobe Photoshop. And the one more thing which I like is. All the Linux Softwares are free.
Well Linux is totally based on MINIX so It has all the security that MINIX is having and also it has its own security becoz Linux has its own Kernel. What is Kernel? In simple language it is a programme which controls and handle whole Operating System or say whole Computer. Windows also has its own Kernel. and also Windows is not clone or not depends on any other OSes. Linux Security is really very nice. Its hard for hackers to hack the security of Linux.
Wide Range:
There are lots of flavours to pick your fav. Linux. At very first there was a Red Hat Linux as the best linux. After Red Hat Debian came after Debian SuSe came and now Mendrake is there. But than also people mostly prefer Red Hat only. becoz from starting of Linux only. people have used Red Hat only. so no one wants to migrate from Red Hat to other. but Mendrake is best now. I have RedHat Linux 7.2, Mendrake Linux 8.2, Debian Linux 2.2 and SuSe Linux 6
Linux comes with two types of interfaces a) Shell Interface b) XWindows Interface. a) Shell Interface is just like a DOS. ni Graphics at all. b) XWindows Interface is having lots of graphics and becoz of this technology Linux is becoming more powerfull. ** Cons:
* Now here is cons of linux which always makes me angry.
User Friendly:
Linux is not User friendly and today people want that only. Linux is having lots of confusions. It has multi desktop environ ment which is good but also whole desing of linux changes if you change Desktop Environment. If you want to install any software you have to login as administrator(for security reasons) and than you have to type lots of codings to install. and some times it doesnt install. but thanks to RPM packages. which are easy to install. but not most of softwares comes with RPM packages. this makes me angry.
Dont ask me abt this. Installing Network takes about 2 hrs. can u belibe it? in 2 hrs. I can setup Windows XP 2 times. and also Setting up of Networking in LINUX is very tuff job. only guru(master) of Linux can do that.
Developing Tools:
Linux does not have more developing tools its famous and developing tool is GCC Compiler which comes with Linux. And its very tough job in developing softwares for Linux other than for iMac, Windows and UNIX.
Installing: Installing of Linux varies from diffrent companies. but normal package takes about 30mins. to install Linux. Its bit length and need some technical knowledge to install Linux.
Well after launching of Microsoft Windows 2000. Linux security is more increased compare to Windows becoz Windows 2000 was more stable than the Linux so companies developed Linux as more stable and more securable. But after releasing of Windows XP, Linux is again going down.
Sites for Linux:
IF YOU HATE LINUX THAN VISIT TO THIS SITE: and do not belive on this is just a fake site.
*UPDATED: 30/4/2002 *
Two days ago I rec. mail regarding Linux issue. E-Mail was totally about security on Linux, So I decided to find some Bugs in Security. I installed 3 Linux on my PC. RedHat 7.2, Mendrake 8.1 and Debian 2.2. And I started searching Bugs in Linux, I searched bugs for 5hrs. and the number of bugs which I found it was very surprising. When Windows XP released I search total 258 bugs in WinXP. But in Linux I have found total 483 no. of bugs. After finding this bugs I started study on that. and the facts which came ahead of me is totally unbelivible.
Here are total 5 Bugs:
1) When you get the LILO prompt where you select the Operating System, type this linux init=bin/bash and see what happens. You will get root shell without typing any password or username.
2) When you are prompt for Username and Password press CTRL+D for the moment you will see that Linux will inactive for 5 minutes. Hackers can do lots things in 5 mins.
3) Login as root and type this in xTerminal /dev/kmem and your linux crash.
4) Open the GIMP, create new image and set the size of the image to the resolution of the screen and than set the color of image to Blue and than put in some text and color white and it will say something like this FATAL ERROR blahblah and Linux will crash.
5) Login as root and than run this command ping -f -l 9999999 you will see that Linux runs slow and it will crash.
There are lots of Bugs. but this are enough
now, I would like to say something about security of LINUX.
Security of LINUX is very bad. coz now lots of people are knowing that LINUX has lots of bugs. and with the help of that bug hackers can easily hack LINUX. and can do lots of things.
I will write review on RedHat Linux, Mendarake Linux later on.
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