In todays fast life even the hardworking male/female sometime look for the shortcuts. I feel that microwave is the ideal choice for some of the daily needs. There are many household who use the precooked food for second or third time. If this may not be the case, there are many people who prepare the food 2-3 hrs before consuming it. When it comes to reheating microwave is ideal choice as within seconds or minute of two, entire cooked dishes can be reheated. So it gives you freedom from again heating on gas stove, which will take longer time as it will heat the utensil first and then food.
For rice eaters again its a good choice as within 15-16 minutes you can have rice ready for eating and can be directly served in dish it is cooked. If you love to have beetroot in salad, no need to boil it in pressure cooker, just prick with fork and keep in microwavable dish with some water for 10-15 min and can enjoy a good salad. It is useful for children those who love to have popcorn like we have in multiplexes at exorbitant cost. You can buy butter popcorn packets available in market and in matter of few seconds have hot tasty popcorn to enjoy TV show of your choice.
What I want to say is that microwave is an useful alternative for some of Indian dishes and is must for todays home. We can not cook every thing in it as color and taste are important factors for our Indian dishes, which may not be met by microwave. Its useful because for small things like heating the water for gargles we need not to be dependent on gas, microwave will take just 40 seconds to do this job.
When you are choosing a microwave look for the following
- Reputed company with track record in dealing in product line.
2.Do a market survey of various brands and listen to sales people about benefits and not features.
make a comparison of prices and benefits of 3-4 brands and zero down your choice to 1-2
Be sure what size is required for your family. Its always not wise to buy bigger as we can afford it and neither the under size as it fits easily in our budget.
Choose a brand which gives option of oven, grill and microwave.
Look for the model and brand which is easier to clean from inside because of finish and no obstructions.
Also look that it has wider glass window to see whats happening inside.
Remember Microwave is not cheap alternative to gas as it consumes good electricity.
Once you have selected your choice, look for the freebies available like set of microwave utensils, cooking accessories, cooking book etc.
10 Confirm price of chosen brand and model at 3-4 different outlets and bargain for the best.
I am using Samsung microwave for last 3 years and it is functioning without any troubles.