:HI there ppl, this is Yeshwanth from HYD
Here I am not refering to any particular microwave but how many people fealt that WHAT IS A MICROWAVE DOING IN INDIA?. Its quite funny seeing the sales patern, these sales persons are doing a real good job. I know many people who have bought them, what they are doing -- Getting up early in the morning and start cleaning up another newly bought MASTER piece of their. Many buy these things with out any proper purpose at all. Now a days it is considered as another important LUXURY that every one must have, but where is the point of LUXURY without using it?
We indians are fond of eating fresh food and what is the use of a microwave here? the western people have invented it because they are so lazy so as to not even cook their food or they are so busy that they cant even wait and cook their food due to their nuclear and working families. There an appliance like this is sensible. But whats the use of it in INDIA where every thing is fresh and hotly available. That is actually the goodness of our indian culture and I am proud of it.
so I advice my readers to look for a real value in buying such things, because instead of that u can get u r self a new TV now a days(of cource many other useful products as well).
Bye, Enjoy your shopping but shop sensibly
Here I used sensible because many ppl simply buy things due to their looks. (i am one such buyer MYSELF)