Kitchen ..this would have been a less visited place especially by bachelors. But situation changes infavourable :-( for people to stay away from their home say for the reason like education or job. What happens next... hotel food for some time ..ok Then.
Think a place like Uk where the option of having food at restaraunt everyday will not be feasible considering
$ accessibility (in some cases)
$ taste conflicts
$ money spent (not applicable to everyone)
$ Availability (especially morning)
Dudes...dont worry ... here comes the item microwave heaven sorry oven... not very sure abt which company product to choose.. but choose any company product and it will be ur better company :). You can use ur versatility over this item.Yes.. you can do cooking considerable amount of dishes using this. Noteable traits
$ User friendly
$ quick enough which helps us especially for our breakfast
$ Can continue with other work when the oven is busy with some dish
In the current mechanical world spending time in kitchen is not a thing that everybody loves to and it will be must for most of the times.
Some of its useful traits..
Break it fast:
1.Best and healthy option:corn flakes
heat milk in mW Oven for just 2 minutes and add corn flakes to it..thats it... a quick and tasty breakfast is ready
- For heating ready made items like chappathi, curry etc very fast
Rice can be boiled in mW oven say in a time of about 20 to 40 minutes depending on the amount of the rice to be boiled.Amount of water to be added will be 1 and 1/2 times the quantity of rice. (will be better to check it since it may vary with the quality of rice)
At times you may feel that the certain vegetables like potato will take considerable amount of time to boil when u cook it directly using gas those situations make use of the mW oven. boil these items in mW oven and then use the same to prepare the dish .hopefully it should save some time if you can do it parallely (multithreading :) )
People who dont wish to cook using gas stove ..can even try using mW oven for cooking. hope the dish turns out to be good.
Over all mW oven can be considered as something that can make a kitchen into heaven (especially for bachelors) ... Where there is a will there is a way and so... where there is a kitchen with mW oven there are possibilities of good food inspite of bachelor accommodation.. :-)
With Smiles,
Asruf :-)